Wednesday, 19 August 2015

When He Becomes Emotionally Unavailable

Hi guys, you might want to look up this LINK before reading the writ below.
This is more like a rejoinder

Okay, so here goes.....

Monday, 10 August 2015

Seeing Beyond Political Views

The views portended herein aren't meant to be foisted down anyone's throat as I'm a firm believer in the parlance; "to each, his own path".

Monday, 29 June 2015

Living And Suffering Are Directly Proportional --->> Opinion

That theater of dreams, of hopes, of lives to be lived, of expectations, of successes, of failures.
We sometimes struggle with who we are, heck, more oft than not, we are clueless who we are or who we wanna be.

We'd rather not go through the painful process of getting to realize who and what we are meant for.
I quite share the sentiments of those who tow this path. Why bother? Why allow oneself go through the fire? Why go through times of harrowing depression and different forms of identity crises, all in a bid to find self?
Why do all these, when there are already made personalities and identities in the world that we can easily garb on?

Before I go on, I want to apologize to my dear and esteeemed readers and visitors for not updating.
I have had a number of issues to deal with, but I'm back and better for it.
So, as I was saying...

Friday, 24 April 2015

I'd Rather My State Of Being Remains Joyful Than Happy

JoY is a state of Being

Happiness is a state of emotions.
Yes! There's a difference between joy and happiness. Let's prod further, shall we?

Enough is Enough!

Can the issue of tribal glorification be put to FINAL rest now?
Must we pay our "perceived opponents" back in their own coin?
Does that make us any better?
Can the enlightened and sane among us foster the spirit of one accord despite our geographical differences?
How long do we intend to keep defending and offending ourselves while trying to correct an adjudged wrong?

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Sometimes, I Think Marriage Is So Overrated

I penned this before my blogging days. Folks kept liking and sharing it, so I had to re-read. I am re-inspired. Hope you'll be too.

My hands feel somewhat weighty now that I've decided to put my thoughts to screen.

More oft we ladies (and guys) too only prepare and look forward to our wedding ceremonies.
Except those who are lucky to go through series of marriage counselling, one is never quite sure what to expect in that new phase of life called MARRIAGE and consequently, MOTHERHOOD.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

I Don't Believe In "Spiritual WarFare" - I Stopped!

By the time you're reading this, I'd be in my house, or even better, an eatery or a filmhouse....celebrating myself!

It's my Birthday TODAY!!!!!

So sitting here this Friday afternoon, I thought of how best to share this special day with my friends online.
And then that train of thought, which is basically as a result of my Christian upbringing puts a fear of sorts in me....

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

What Does Friendship Mean To You?

Who/What is a Bond Friend?

According to wikipedia, a bond friend is a close friend or romantic partner whom you share emotions of trust and affection with.
There is an attachment of sorts between you two. When two males share this kind of attachment, it is called male bonding; among females, it is called female bonding.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

We Cannot Be Defined By Our Mistakes


We Cannot Be Defined By Our Mistakes.
We Cannot Let One Thing, No Matter How Horrible Overpower Everything Else That We Do In Our Lives.
The Only Way To Do That Is To Make Sure That Everything Else Overpowers That Mistake.

We Have That Chance Now.
As Long As  We're Alive, We Have That Chance.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Dear Readers...For Your Attention

We value your presence here.
We appreciate the fact that you take out time to read our musings and opinions on issues.
We do not make light of that.

We thought it wise to bring to this to your hallowed attention. has ported to a new and catchier name.
What's more!?
We have our own domain! or

^^^ They are the same.

All former entries and records remain valid.
The summary of the words above is that now redirects to

Thank you for your time.
Please help us expand our online reach and presence by liking our Facebook Page - following us on twitter @MzMusings and finally subscribing to our blog feed Here

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I'm Undergoing Inner Anarchy

A state of being I'm yet to gain a firm grasp on.

One that shitty scares me to delve deeper into because I'll likely lose my preciously held beliefs, ideologies and mindsets (but I'mma continue anyway).

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Before You Give UP Completely - Read.

Perhaps you've been feeling alone lately.
Somewhat scared.
You feel trapped in a vicious cycle of failures ranging from finance to relationships, self-improvement, among other issues.
You have people around you, yet it feels like no one's around.
You wanna reach out to friends and family, but then it feels like you're enjoying the solititude, or maybe you don't wanna be seen as a disturbance.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Friday, 30 January 2015

Were You A Born Cusp? Find Out Here.

This is basically about zodiac signs and while I'm not a huge fan, I'm quite fascinated at how well it's able to interpret individuals' personality traits, which I've been able to link to my favorites; MBTI typology and The Enneagram.
I'm a personality freak. I mean, I just love learning about how individuals behave and why they're the way they are. Because I'm a people person, it helps me relate better with them.

About Cusps
My good friend got me quite fascinated about zodiac signs and how you can tell people's character just by knowing their date of birth.

Today's the 30th Day of January

And as such 
We Declare

Friday, 23 January 2015

An Addendum

This is an Addendum to my Latest Proposal on Daily Confessions

Every new day, by the creator's grace, I'll come here to speak from my deep feelings concerning the day.
We're encouraged to do the same too.
I'll create a post for each day and then we comment for as long as we want, as much as we want - till the end of that day.

The beauty of it is that, we get to see our declarations, and we agree with one another.

For example;

Daily Confessions


This is another facet of our Oases, one that I'm hoping would remain with us for a long while.

Like the page title goes, this is an arena for daily confessions.

Monday, 19 January 2015

MizMyColiMusings'll Be Back.

Thanks for checking in on us.
We totally appreciate your coming around.
We'd be unavoidably absent for a huge part of this week.
Life Happens.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Ladies, Before You Finally Give Up On That Relationship


Welcome, to our year of light, of continuity, of amazing blazing glory.
Things can only get better.

Have you ever been in that position where it felt like you have found that one person who means much more than a lot to you?

Thursday, 1 January 2015

From All Of Us @ Oases

Happy - Super - Duper - Splufik - Fantastic -  

New Year!!!!!!!

We'd be taking a short break from writing those articles that you love to read.
But we'll be back with a Bang!