Monday, 29 June 2015

Living And Suffering Are Directly Proportional --->> Opinion

That theater of dreams, of hopes, of lives to be lived, of expectations, of successes, of failures.
We sometimes struggle with who we are, heck, more oft than not, we are clueless who we are or who we wanna be.

We'd rather not go through the painful process of getting to realize who and what we are meant for.
I quite share the sentiments of those who tow this path. Why bother? Why allow oneself go through the fire? Why go through times of harrowing depression and different forms of identity crises, all in a bid to find self?
Why do all these, when there are already made personalities and identities in the world that we can easily garb on?

Before I go on, I want to apologize to my dear and esteeemed readers and visitors for not updating.
I have had a number of issues to deal with, but I'm back and better for it.
So, as I was saying...

Why should a sane human allow himself go through suffering? Apparently part of our human existence, we have developed and still developing plethora upon plethora of means and devices, to put an end to our sufferings.

Yet, no matter the mask we put on, we find that life's no thorough fare. In our pursuit of happiness, of the perfect life, and of perfection, we find that we're still shrouded in the inevitable; SUFFERING.

Well, what if? What if suffering is really a part and parcel of our existence?
What if suffering is meant to help us on our way up to transcendence?
What if suffering is the only way our true identities can be forged? By "Suffering" I mean experiencing unpleasant stuff.

How come some of us have mastered the art of glorying in our sufferings; counting it all joy...
Whereas, a large bulk of humanity would rather wallow in misery, in pain and in self in denial.
Why do we become hopeless or begin to tow that path at the sight of tell tale signs of unfavorable life tides, why?
Why do we find it so herculean a task to realize that we have all it takes to be better, and then subsequently take responsibility for our lives?

Why do we allow other people project their insecurities on us?
Why do we allow people define us, our existence?
Why, why are we so apt to believe the negative about us and allow it form our perception of self?

These things ought not to be.
We cannot keep doing things the same way and expect different results.
we must learn to stand for ourselves, and let our sense of belonging and identity come from within.

The truth is that, there's no more fulfilling way to live other than being whom your human spirit bears witness to, that you're meant to be.

I am going to talk about myself for a bit.
Those who know my online antecedents can testify that happenings in my life has been the main inspiration for this writ.
Before now, I used to be very proactive in giving romance and motivational counseling. One thing led to another and I lost the flair to counsel in those lines. I became more politically inclined, now that in itself was confusing to me, I'd thought of it then as some guilty pleasure, it didn't make sense to me how I could be so indifferent about politics and politicians (was I really so?) and all of a sudden, okay, almost all of a sudden, I find myself deep in this that I almost don't want to do anything else, many extra-curricular stuff I engaged in suffered for it. This blog, our blog is a testament.

Guess what, I was met with opposition, the ones that hurt more came from friends, in their opinion, I should go no where near politics, it was bad and dangerous for me, it would make me ill-mannered and intolerant....

Did I listen to them?
Yes I did!
I stayed away.
A seemingly endless tirade of mires and confusion it wa for me. I WAS PLUNGED INTO AN E-IDENTITY CRISIS, one that I've only started recovering from just recently; But that didn't stop my passion.
I wanted to know more about the business of governance, and the online world provided  perfect opportunity, so I came right back!
And I determined that there would be no stopping me matter what.
It's been 3 months and counting.
Have I lost friends? Yes.
Have I gained new ones? Yes.
Will I lose more? Yes.
Will I gain new ones? Yes.
How is my life now? Do I feel a sense of emptiness? No.
Do I feel like I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing at the moment? No.
Does that stop me from giving relationships/motivational counseling when I can? No.
Do I feel a better sense of fulfillment these past days, Yes.
Can I get better than I am now and strike a balance among the things I'm passionate about? Yes, Yes & Yes!

The reason I'm sharing this story isn't to sound highfalutin or blow my trumpet, no.
I have always maintained that I do not want people to look at me and see some girl who is this definition of human perfection, no; I want people to see me for my good, and for my flaws. At the end of my sojourn in this world, I want to be remembered as someone who truly rose above her weaknesses, and as someone who was neither ashamed nor afraid to share her being with the world, however she was; one who truly rose above, despite her human limitations.
I am sharing a part of me, so you'd know that no matter the suffering you're going through, be it emotional or mental, or even financial, that you're never alone.

Take responsibility for your life today.
Identify with yourself, your strengths, and your weaknesses. Stop looking to people to do the bulk of the work for you.
Embrace suffering, in whatever way it comes, it is inevitable. Pain is what is optional.

Do not let people stamp a negative identity on you.
Do not let their negative perception of you stand.
Believe that you are the best.
Speak it to yourself, even when it feels like lies and mumbo jumbo.
If you haven't started the journey yet, begin now, to walk your walk of self discovery.
You are bound to falter and fall most times, but continue.....perhaps you started out, but now feel so discouraged to keep on, let this writ spur you, let it encourage you.
Those who are miles ahead of you, in whatever endeavor(s) it is that catches your fancy, began with a step.
TAKE THAT STEP TODAY.....You'll get there.
Just Believe.

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