Wednesday, 4 March 2015

What Does Friendship Mean To You?

Who/What is a Bond Friend?

According to wikipedia, a bond friend is a close friend or romantic partner whom you share emotions of trust and affection with.
There is an attachment of sorts between you two. When two males share this kind of attachment, it is called male bonding; among females, it is called female bonding.

There are friends and there are friendships.
An event that occurred has caused me to take a cursory look at what friendship means to me, what I - in my opinion, think it should mean to us.
I'll be writing against the backdrop of bond friendships.


Then you'd have the freedom to be you.
If I were your friend, then know that your weaknesses as an individual are before me.
Yet I'd love you.
I'd give my best to see you in a better position.

If you are my friend, I won't make you second guess yourself, either consciously or unconsciously. I won't make you feel "less".
I'll encourage you to be yourself and then strive to become the best version of yourself.
Even when I've found traits in you that are rather unbecoming and unlike you; instead of going all out and calling you names indirectly, labelling you and giving you the impression that I'm better than you, I'd rather I talked to your source about them, he created you, and I can rest assuredly leave the duty of making a better person out of you to him.
On my part, I'd be exemplary (without trying to exert/assert myself on you).
I'd do my best not to be judgemental of you.

If you were my friend.
I'll try not to abuse you emotionally.
Even if going by world standards, I am far better, in terms of wealth and riches, living standards, knowledge, wisdom, maturity et al --- I will not impose myself on you as someone you should look up to.
I will do my best to maintain an equilibrium of sorts.

If we are friends.
I will let you in on my worst fears; I'd encourage you to do same. I'd trust you. When thoughts that you could betray me seep in, I will do my best to always remain true to you, for I reckon that it could go both ways; a friend for life, or a lesson for life.
We would love HELL out of each other.
When I am angry or cross at you, I will do my best to speak courteously or postpone speaking for the time-being.
Perchance, if it were that I spoke carelessly to you, I would almost immediately realize it and probably lose myself in a bid to make it up to you.

If you are my friend.
I would wanna be that person you have this unfettered confidence in.
I'd lay my humanity before you (how I sometimes laugh in a socially awkward manner, how - depending on my clothing, I could pass off for a tomboy, how I could be quite loud voiced around those I love, my overly idealistic thoughts, my unbeliefs, beliefs, political affiliations, everything!)

Whether you've offended me or not, whether you've made my heart bleed or not.
I'd gather all the strength I need from within and I'd pronounce blessings on your life.
I'd speak his light, his love and his glory over you.
I'd ask them to stay with you, cover you and never leave you.

I will do my best to be better for you.
While I can never quite measure up, I will try to love you, as God loves you.

I'd want for you to accept me too.
Strengths or not, weaknesses or not, failures or not; successes or not.

This writ is meant to spur everyone who reads it to become a true friend, in the ways they can, to as many as they can today.
It is a call to active action.
If God, or the universe has directed/redirected certain persons or groups of persons into your life, then know that surely, you have been imbued with a capacity to love them, either from a distance or in close proximity (may wisdom guide you on which it should be).

Ultimately, our actions don't define us, our soul does. Let your soul always remain in a posture of love.....even when everything else negates and contradicts. Let your life be defined against this backdrop; Love (in its truest sense).

If you were my bond friend/friend --- if you were another's bond friend/friend, what would it mean to you?
What would you do for me/them?

You can answer that^^^ here, or better your private place of meditation.

Peace and thanks for coming around.



  1. If I were your friend..............If you were my friend................. I could not hold my tears after reading this pies cause I can feel every single word in my personal life!. I would have wished every single letter in this write-up were real and not for the sake of rhetorical conjecture. Do I really have a friend? or better still, am I someone's friend?

    1. I'd ask myself the same questions.
      Sometimes, we feel like we have it all panned out and then boom! It hits us.
      We haven't been any better.

  2. a friend is an extension of one's personality.

    1. Well....that is true.......
      But then again....
      Aren't opposites meant to attract?

      You might be right though.

      Thanks for coming around.


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