A state of being I'm yet to gain a firm grasp on.
One that shitty scares me to delve deeper into because I'll likely lose my preciously held beliefs, ideologies and mindsets (but I'mma continue anyway).
Y'see, my beliefs have evolved to an extent where Love is all that matters.
I'm talking about the kind that is capable of changing our world for good!
That's the kind of love I want to apprehend.
When you're at this stage in my journey, you lose all interest for biblical arguments. You're more interested in the truths that the life giving spirit in you sheds light on through the bible and ANY other means.
You are no longer fixated on God and heaven as Sky entities. You become attuned to God and Heaven inside you - your only hope of glory.
You're not scared of the mob and those who will come against you, because you know that Jesus was grossly misunderstood too. You lose interest in whether or not Jesus was dead and buried, or whether he died and rose again.
What you're more concerned about is the spirit of Jesus in you, yes, the same one that filled him during his earthly sojourn.
The same spirit that all of creation earnestly awaits its full manifestation, in YOU.
You speak, you think and you relate with people from this dimension, this realm, that is laced with power and authority.
You no longer blame or keep hoping on a sky supernatural being to wave a magic wand and save the world.
You realize that the supernatural has been in you all along. That Christ replicated himself in all of creation.
That you're a fore-runner. That as he is, so are you.
Then you begin to wonder why you aren't that way, you find that you're anything but christ!
The reason's not far-fetched.
The ideologies and mindsets that rule us from within, beliefs and systems, dogmas and authority figures have kept us in a tomb of sorts.
We need to get rid of these obstructions, layer by layer.
Jesus did not establish the christian religion. What he came to do during his sojourn in this world is point us to the life giving spirit within.
That spirit has no religious/unreligious favourites.
We need to pull down certain strongholds, certain thoughts and ideas that rule us from within. If we must walk in the light of Jesus, if we will ever perform greater works than he did......we need to have a retrace of steps.
Let's turn to that which is real within us, our deep feelings.
Enough of looking up to pastors and authority figures.
We need inner anarchy to do this.
We have to rebel against the status quo.
We ought to become like children --- trusting, but only this time - trusting that which is real within us.
Enough of skewing the message of Jesus to suit our projections and beliefs.
He brought the Kingdom of heaven to earth. Why wait for a future one we're not so sure will ever come about when there's a whole new world waiting to be birthed inside us?
Inner anarchy.
We need anarchy. The inner kind. Get uncomfortable and rebel against those forces and mindsets that has kept us from operating in our best potentials, that keeps us in a rut of sorts. Going round and round in circles.
Like JP asserted:-
"Shallow anarchistic thinking tends to equate the problems in our world with the rulers, authorities and ruling classes themselves. In other words, they see the people or groups of people as the obstacle or enemy. The root problem is deeper than this and lies in the false beliefs, mindsets, narratives and ideologies that rule people from within.
That’s the real obstacle and enemy – not the people or groups themselves, but those beliefs, mindsets, narratives and ideologies. Even anarchy can become an ideology and function in the same way if it is originating from that same poisoned well."
These quotes by some legendary anarchists cuts it better.
“Anarchism stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion and liberation of the human body from the coercion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. It stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals.”― Emma Goldman
“We anarchists do not want to emancipate the people; we want the people to emancipate themselves.”― Errico Malatesta
What is my point in all of this?
Nothing seems to be working anymore.
Our world keeps depleting.
We have over 40,000 Christian denominations worldwide, we repeat bible verses daily, we pray everyday, cast and bind demons, open even more denominations, create even more complicated belief systems, coerce people to believe in "God" by dangling the fieriness of "hell" before them, we sing, we shout, we do all these things --- yet nothing seems to be working really, nothing!
It's all become a routine. We're hopeful for a future we know looks very bleak, one that may never come, despite our technological advancements as a race.
But I'm hopeful, I'm hopeful because I believe in the power of love to transform our world.
I believe that Love is resident in everyone.
We cannot access this dimension of love, this world inside of us by looking up to authority figures, by idolizing a few and thinking of them as those whom the onus lies on to save our dear country, and possibly our lives.
We need to take people down from pedestals, we need to start turning towards our guts, to that which is real inside us, our deep feelings. It matters not whether you think, speak or write eloquently, it doesn't matter whether it makes as much sense to you, as long as you feel it from that realm, say it out!!! speak. Your words and your thoughts, ultimately, are capable of changing our world, of birthing a new age. The feelings I'm on about here are beyond emotions, emotions are fleeting.
You know you are speaking or thinking from your deep feelings when;
- There's this weight and solidity to them, one that is different from what you'd ordinarily feel or think. It is usually triggered through music, acts of love and compassion; anything that causes us to relate to ourselves from a spiritual dimension.
- There's this power and authority and engulfing sensation that you experience when you speak, think or write from your deep feelings.
- You see things as bigger than you, you just know that they overshadow/exceed your personal desires. It makes you wanna see the whole world instead of yourself, bearing witness to our profound interconnectedness.
- There's a feeling of certainty attached to speaking, writing or thinking from your deep feelings. You just know that by speaking out from your deep feelings, you are empowering reality (a positive one) into being.
I'm hoping this resonates with someone out there. I'm well aware that this is a tad alien to us. It is for me too, but I consider it a road worth travelling. I just desire a world that works! One that is fully attuned to us and our true nature.
However, I must admit I haven't quite apprehended this subject/state of being, but it looks promising.
What are your thoughts on my position, don't stay silent. Let's interact.
This piece is thought provoking. Recognition of an inherent force and the immutability of our inner consciousness can take us to a height of supernatural dynamism. My thought though!
ReplyDeleteAnd your thoughts are on point! I should borrow these words of yours, quite profound.
DeleteThe inner us actually does enable the sprouting of the thoughts we have to reality. Religion, as I understand it, simply enables/disables this ability.
ReplyDeleteCase closed!
DeleteIt is quite disappointing though that most of us who claim to have no mainstream religion turn out to be more religious than the religious.
Whatever happened to keeping an open mind.