Monday, 22 December 2014

The Uniqueness Of Mothers --- Is It Just Me? Or Does Anyone Wonder Why Too?

I appreciate mothers, I love mothers --- Nigerian mothers specifically. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, I just haven't been opportune to live and interact with mothers from other countries.

However, what I'm about to talk about, I believe, is prevalent in mothers everywhere, including intending Moms.

There's this protective instinct

once children are involved, it doesn't matter whose child it is.......they just get so protective of the child, or children as the case may be, treating them like they would theirs.

I just heard someone's thought.
It goes in the lines of:- 
"Miz, forget that thing, women can be wicked o!"

I won't disparage the fact --- but what I saw today made me feel this deep appreciation towards mothers.

The danfo bus driver had stopped to pick two kids who, apparently had no guardian with them. They looked so carefree with their red Father Christmas cap on. 
They sat at the door end of the vehicle and I noticed how the woman who sat before them reflexively put out her hand to hold the door lest it accidentally jams up on them.(If you've been in a danfo bus with an erratic door system, you'd know what I'm on about).
The way she looked at them, her mannerisms --- they silently screamed "I will be your guardian till I alight from this vehicle!".Immediately she alighted, another woman took over from where she stopped, she be like:-"Oya shift, sit here, ehen......." Apparently, she was scared the kids would fall off the vehicle should the driver start the usual danfo bus rigmarolling most of us here in Lagos are used to.Till those kids alighted, there was this air of protection around the bus for them.
On my part, I was silently watching and observing. I alighted at the same time they did and reflexively, I ensured they were in front, I wanted monitoring them till we parted ways.
There are certain intricacies about children that only Moms would understand. So I'm taking this time out to appreciate every Mother out there. I'd like for every one reading this to tow same line too.

When you can, However you can, please make it a point of duty to show your mother an act of kindness. I understand that Moms can be sometimes so overbearing, I understand how some of us just don't get along with our parents, but I implore you today, to look beyond yourself, look beyond the hurts and just do something to show her that she is appreciated.

Let us keep in mind that we honour people, our parents inclusive, not because they deserve it or not.......but because, it's our tradition.

Happy Holidays. 

I'm aware some of us don't have this lovey dovey relationships with our parents. Do you think it's worth it? In what ways can we improve on that aspect? Wanna share related stuffs? You're very welcome to do so.


  1. You're right Miz.

    Women go a long way to satisfy their kids.
    They endure a lot. They do anything just to put smile on the face of their kids.

    God bless mothers!
    God bless my Mum!

  2. Yels. (sic) God bless all mothers everywhere.

    To everyone who miss their Mums for one reason or another.
    My thoughts are with you.
    May you find more succour, more faith to keep on.
    May you be a better one to your generation.
    You will not be forgotten.

  3. Amen!

    I have a question please (off topic).
    How can I follow your blog and also how can I follow posts.

    1. Okay. Thanks.
      At the right hand corner of this page, there's the "follow this blog by e-mail"

      You just input your email and voila! you'l be kept abreast. Thanks Again.

  4. Oh, like they always say, "you can always bla bla bla... but you can never have another mother".


    1. Hi Mike.
      Good To see you.
      Happy Holidays.

      I see your comments on google plus, but I haven't quite figured out a way to incorporate it to this style of commenting, seeing as I made it open to all, Lolz.

      Most times, you won't see your comments immediately because I activated the moderation feature. Please bear with us. Thank you.

      Mothers Rock!

  5. Wellsaid.
    Maybe it's because only them know what they go through within those nine(9) months and in the labour room.

    That's the CARE OF THE OWNER syndrome; when a mother looks @ her kids or any other kid, she sees not just a child but a tender one that needs attention/protection.

    God bless Mothers and every woman out there who look out for (random) kids.

    1. Thank you!

      That's the word; "Random Kids"

      It's amazing and should be encouraged.


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