Monday, 22 December 2014

Ladies And Gentlemen --- Which Way?

So I'm thinking.......

Is it a bad thing to desire affection?
Does it make the giver and receiver foolish to some extent?
Does it make them less, or loosen their dignity and rep in the real sense of it?
Does it connote insecurity when you just desire some lovin' up from the one you love?
Is it plain foolishness when we:-
Sometimes, want to be told how beautiful we are or how smart and intelligent we simply are?
Other times, especially when we're bored, we want to be around that special person who at one time or another, or even currently, makes us feel special?
And then, other times too, we want to be showered with thoughtful gifts and just watch those we love do stuffs for us?

I believe everyone's felt this way, okay, maybe --- almost everyone.

There was a trend I read of somewhere, where the male folk specifically were advised to wield "true control" over their woman.

Here's an excerpt:-
In fact most of the accomplished true control guys have barricaded their hearts a long time ago. They show affection strategically and when a chick leasts expects it. They are not always complete bast@rds, they will send flowers and call a babe to check on how she is doing but they do it strategically and sparingly. Too much of ice cream and chocolate is not good. Too much visiting of woman is not good. Calling her more than she calls you is an equally silly idea. If she calls twice call once. What bothers other guys does not bother men of true control. Even if they love a chick they will never show it more than the chick shows it. They say I love you three times a year. This sort of guy might love a chick but still screw one or two around to ensure that he remains in control of his senses. 

My reaction(s) was in the lines of:-
Granted, the oiginal post makes sense to a certain category of folks......All I can say, as far as I am concerned is that all the OP has written is Beautiful Nonsense!.I will resist any guy who seeks to control or manipulate me. I will not even have anything to do with someone who has such a warped view of ladies. 
Someone who has turned romantic relationships to a "win at all costs" fiesta. Who encourages manipulation, emotional abuse and keeping side chicks just to maintain control and perspective.Dude, you're the fakest Niggah ever liveth.No Oofens. (sic)................................ it is good for those women and men who live, breath and eat mind games and manipulative tendencies (certain category of folks). But as far as I'm concerned, as long as I uphold the values of openness, sincerity and trust in any relationship that matters to me, in my opinion, this post is byootifuu Nansense. (sic)

I honestly don't blame the guy who wrote the first text in quotes, if you've never been burned by members of the opposite sex, you would not understand.
Trust me, I felt his pain and I quite understand that those words were penned down as a defense mechanism of sorts against the "menace" called women.

But I was worried. I developed fears. 

The write up looked so good, anyone could hold on to it for dear life, the moment they get into a relationship, whether or not they've been butt hurt initially. Those in a relationship who had an above average level of satisfaction would wanna try their hands on the new and enticing suggestion. Those who had very bad relationships would think they've finally found n all round elixir to their teeming problems. Ultimately, this would help them maintain a certain level of control, of power. That's one character trait virtually everyone possesses; the need to stay in power --- be it directly, indirectly, consciously, subconsciously and otherwise. 

I feared for those category of ladies who, despite their seeming pads and tons of disappointments, have chosen to remain true to themselves, who despite being burned and butt hurt, would stop at nothing in terms of bettering selves and looking forward to their next attempt at loving.

Perhaps it didn't occur to the guys that perceptive and or shrewd ladies who saw that write up might as well decide to step up their game, making the rats race an equal playing field of sorts ---

I have to stop here and state this.

LOVE, I mean true love (An ideal which normal people ascribe to or strive to attain, be it in filial or romantic relationships) is not for the feeble minded.

I think of people who subscribe to the first quoted text above as selfish and self-centred. I honestly don't blame them though, some babes ain't loyal.

But then, if we all, or majority of us towed that path - what exactly would be left of our humanity, our values? What kind of foundation are we building on? What are we passing down to our generation. I'm concerned, believe me, I am.

Please let's share. What's your opinion.


  1. Hmmm. MizMy.......on it again!

  2. Great read. Continue. I can relate to this and do understand the first quote. I have loved with everything, and it seems to be gone. Maybe I will try the new power!


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