Thursday, 26 March 2015

Sometimes, I Think Marriage Is So Overrated

I penned this before my blogging days. Folks kept liking and sharing it, so I had to re-read. I am re-inspired. Hope you'll be too.

My hands feel somewhat weighty now that I've decided to put my thoughts to screen.

More oft we ladies (and guys) too only prepare and look forward to our wedding ceremonies.
Except those who are lucky to go through series of marriage counselling, one is never quite sure what to expect in that new phase of life called MARRIAGE and consequently, MOTHERHOOD.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

I Don't Believe In "Spiritual WarFare" - I Stopped!

By the time you're reading this, I'd be in my house, or even better, an eatery or a filmhouse....celebrating myself!

It's my Birthday TODAY!!!!!

So sitting here this Friday afternoon, I thought of how best to share this special day with my friends online.
And then that train of thought, which is basically as a result of my Christian upbringing puts a fear of sorts in me....

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

What Does Friendship Mean To You?

Who/What is a Bond Friend?

According to wikipedia, a bond friend is a close friend or romantic partner whom you share emotions of trust and affection with.
There is an attachment of sorts between you two. When two males share this kind of attachment, it is called male bonding; among females, it is called female bonding.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

We Cannot Be Defined By Our Mistakes


We Cannot Be Defined By Our Mistakes.
We Cannot Let One Thing, No Matter How Horrible Overpower Everything Else That We Do In Our Lives.
The Only Way To Do That Is To Make Sure That Everything Else Overpowers That Mistake.

We Have That Chance Now.
As Long As  We're Alive, We Have That Chance.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Dear Readers...For Your Attention

We value your presence here.
We appreciate the fact that you take out time to read our musings and opinions on issues.
We do not make light of that.

We thought it wise to bring to this to your hallowed attention. has ported to a new and catchier name.
What's more!?
We have our own domain! or

^^^ They are the same.

All former entries and records remain valid.
The summary of the words above is that now redirects to

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